As many of you dedicated readers know, the UNN has been trying to figure out just what it is Seed Industries is trying to acheive on planet Avesta. We tracked down Synthia Nexus, their somewhat intriguing representative and PR person, and tried to ask them some questions. It wasn't exactly a relaxed encounter...

What's going on Synthia, we hear there is a big change coming to how deployments work?
After several advanced unihaven deployments in this new exciting age of Seed Industries facilitated deployments, an exciting new direction has been initiated. Creating new societies from the ground up is the challenge and opportunity that Seed Industries is offering Cultivators and their Seedlings! What does this mean, we hear you wonder. It means more freedom, more diverse starting conditions, in short: endless emergent parameters are going to take shape on Avesta. Seed Industries finds this vital in order to continue to optimise life on Avesta. Through these experimental societies in which life is modelled in diverse, more information can be gathered, offering ever more refined unihaven experiences.
Tell us why Seed Industries is making changes like this? Don't worry, you're amongst friends here - be honest!
This new mode of deploying Seedling life allows for exciting challenges and opportunities. For example, instead of relying on food and production chains that begin in outer orbit on Dezima and other off-world facilities, Seedlings and their Cultivators can explore and discover the natural resources of planet Avesta! This brings forward the chain of life by several rungs, giving us great insight into how life can flourish in a way that is natural and authentic. So far, our advance scouts have found such treasures as ore, trees and lumber, but we’ve no doubt much more awaits to be discovered!
Are you worried about far out politics taking root?
As for political structures, we can see that these new starting conditions require radical new organising principles. We’re fascinated and curious to see how a state of anarchy can advance beyond a free-for-all, and that through cooperation and exploration, all sorts of politics will be explored! Anarchy may work for some, or it may be left quickly behind. One thing we know: politics never stays still for long.
I see I'm not going to get any sensational scoop out of you today. What do you stand to gain with this new type of society?
For the longest time, we at Seed Industries have known that human life is nothing if not pluralistic. Indeed, life’s defining characteristic is its diversity. Therefore we’ve opened up starting conditions in the Unihaven Era to comprise not just starter towns where life is pre-determined and safe, although we will continue to offer this, but we have taken away the guardrails. Why? Because we learn so much about what happens when Seedlings and Cultivators are left to their own devices. It is an educational experience for us!