I am JJ the Seedling Reporter reporting from... somewhere that's suppose to be Novalith. I was scheduled to be teleported to the newly founded Novalith Society today, however some unexplained teleportation incident must have happened... Upon arrival, the purported location of the Novalith society is vacant, there is no sign of civilization anywhere. Attempts to establish contact with my News Station have proven futile. All radio transmissions remain unanswered, suggesting a potential equipment malfunction or unforeseen interference... The surrounding woodland appears untouched by sentient activity. Rich mineral deposits, dense foliage and diverse flora dominate the landscape, with no signs of the anticipated Novalith settlement... "The sudden shift in environment was disorienting." "One moment I was looking forward to meet the Novalithians in anticipation, the next I found myself alone in this uncharted woodland. The absence of the Novalith society is both puzzling and concerning." I have enough food to last a few days and I hope by now rescue efforts are on the way to find me... meanwhile, I will continue to explore the area and document findings. This is JJ the Seedling, reporting live from an unknown woodland location.
Stay tuned for more updates as this story unfolds.